Sex Sorted Semen Cattle Breeds
Cattle Sex-sorted semen is sorted semen either to contain X or Y chromosome bearing sperms and the use of it would produce a desired sex i.e. male or female animal. In dairy sector preference is always given to a female calf and thus the use of X chromosome bearing sperms semen will be useful to produce maximum number of females.
Normal semen cells (spermatozoa) contain either X or Y-chromosomes and both these cells are present in a normal semen ejaculate or a semen straw. But ova released by female contains only X chromosomes. At the time of fertilization, if X chromosome from semen enters the ovum, then the resulting foetus will be a female (XX), and if Y chromosome enters the ovum then the resulting foetus will be a male (XY).
Therefore, in natural process there is an equal chance of getting male and female foetus. However, the advanced reproductive technology is able to separate spermatozoa bearing X or Y-chromosomes. Chromosomes are made up of DNA (De Oxyribo Nucleic Acid). X cells contain more quantity of DNA (3.8% more) than the Y-chromosomes. This difference in molecular weight is used to differentiate X and Y chromosome bearing spermatozoa. For separation of X and Y chromosomes, the technique used is Flow-Cytometry. Flow cytometry is a laser based technology used for cell sorting.
The main global player in semen sex sorting is Sexing Technologies (ST), USA . The sex sorting lab with its severe quality control, focusses on removal of dead, male sperm cells to ensure production of over 90% females – a unique aspect of this technology”, due to removal of the dead and unwanted sperms the sex-sorted semen will be highly viable and fertile.

Benefits of Sex-Sorted Semen technology
- Production of replacement heifers
- Building a disease free closed herd and improving desirable traits in a faster way
- Production of bulls and daughters for progeny testing
- Reduction in calving difficulties
- Better use of available feed and fodder resources
- Help in climate change mitigation strategy
The Sex Sorted Semen produced with sexedULTRA technology is available for the breeds like of Holstein-Friesian Pure, Jersey Pure, HF Cross, Jersey Cross and indigenous Cattle breeds of Gir, Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Red Sindhi, Rathi, Khillar, Gaolao and Deoni. If you are interested in knowing more about this technology and Sex Sorted Semen availability for sale get connected to us right away.

Sex Sorted Semen of JERSEY [JR] Cattle Breeds |
JERSEY [JR] 100% (3) |
JERSEY [JR] 50% (7) |
JERSEY [JR] 75% (5) |
Sex Sorted Semen of Indigenous Cattle Breeds |
GAOLAO (1) |
GIR (9) |
RATHI (1) |