Gaolao is a dual-purpose breed also known as Arvi, Gaulgani, originated by Nanda Gawali community in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh and now found in Wardha, Nagpur districts of Maharashtra and Balaghat, Chhindwara districts of Madhya Pradesh, Saloni, Durg, Rajnandgaon districts of Chhattisgarh. It resembles Ongole very much except that it is much lighter and has greater agility. This is a fast trotting type breed suitable for quick transportation in hilly areas. Blackish white in males and white in females. Males are generally grey over the neck. The horns are short and stumpy and curve slightly backward.

The Head is markedly long and narrow tapering towards the muzzle. Forehead recedes at the top giving a slightly convex appearance. Eyes almond-shaped and placed slightly at angles. This breed has an average of 559 Kg of milk production per lactation. Cow has average body length 96.05 cm, height at wither 113.9 cm and chest girth 142.3 cm. The average age at first calving recorded as 1,600 days, lactation length 249 days and inter-calving period 430 days.
Name of Bull | Tag No. | UID | DOB | Breed | Dam No. / Name | Std. M.Y. (Kg) | Fat% | Sire | INAPH ID |
XANTHUS [SSS] | GA-4 | 370044570876 | 15.09.15 | Gaolao | Laxmi | 1800 | NA | Hero | NA |