Conventional Semen JR 50% Bulls

Crossbreeding of Indian breeds with exotic breeds started in India in the early decade but after the Independence of India, during the 1950s it was systematically carried out to increase milk production. Crossbreeding with exotic breeds leads to an increase in milk production, lactation length, growth rate, higher birth weight, and growth rate in calves with better reproductive efficiency. Crossbreeding also reduces the age at puberty with ease in heat detection and AI. BAIF plays a major role in the propagation of crossbreeding in various states of India through the vast network of Artificial Insemination (AI). It is one of the best methods of turning non-descriptive (ND) and low-yielding animals into high-yielding animals through upgrading to help livestock owners especially small and marginal farmers economically.

In the BAIF cattle development program, the HF and Jersey crossbred animals remains the choice of breed for breeding the farmer field animals since inception. The crossbred animals of these cattle like 50% and 75% are produced on the farm itself by using high genetic merit bulls’ semen as well as procured from reliable sources like NDP as well as FPT program. The norms of Minimum Standard Protocol (MPS) set by Government of India are strictly followed while procuring the male calves for breeding purposes with aim to provide high-quality germplasm to farmers’ for breeding their animals

Bull NameTag No.UIDBirth DateBlood LevelDam No. / NameDams Std.M. Y (kg)Fat%Sire NameSires Dam Best M.Y. (Kg)INAPH ID
MARKOS*J-19215.12.0750%J+50%GJ-915057NABrij (ET) SNPPBAF-MARKOS
MEHULT-80137004457207524.03.1650%J+50%SM-8013537 1st5.21Norman5336BAF-MEHUL
MIRSENW-80637000003346314.08.1950%J+37.5%S+12.5%NDM-8013537 1st5.21Marich4414NA
MANSUKHW-80437000003363428.04.1950%J+25%S+12.5%G+12.5%NDR-8034877 1st527Marich4414NA
MARBLEP-80637001136920623.05.1250%J+31.25%G+18.75%HFM-1013715 1st3.62Madhu6717NA