Hariana is a dual-purpose breed also known as Hansi. Hariana cattle take their name from the region known as Haryana in North India. There were two strains of cattle Hisar and Hansi found in this region and known after the name of their native towns. Hariana cattle seem to have originated from these two strains. Hisar and Hansi names do not exist now. Hariana is a prominent dual-purpose breed of north India – widely spread in Indo Gangetic plains. It is primarily reared for bullock production. Cows are also fairly good milkers and are now found in Hisar, Rohtak, Sonepat, Gurgaon, Jind, and Jhajjar district of Haryana. The Animals are white or light grey in color. In bulls color in between fore and hindquarters is relatively dark or dark grey.

Horns are small in size. White color, long and narrow face, well-marked bony prominence at the center of the poll, and small horns are the prominent features. This breed has 838 kg of average milk production per lactation. Hariana cow has average body length 139.2 cm, height at wither 136.1 cm and chest girth 169.8 cm. The average age at first calving recorded as 1,566 days, lactation length 276 days and inter-calving period 527 days.
Name of Bull | Tag No. | UID | Date of Birth | Breed | Dam No. / Name | Std. M.Y. (Kg) | Fat% | Sire | INAPH ID |
KHEMCHAND* | H-1 | 370011366684 | 20.01.11 | Hariana | Dungali | 2846 | 5.9 | Sheru | JND-HR-H1 |
KHAMBIR* | H-3 | 370011366640 | 10.11.11 | Hariana | Dudhiya | 2800 | 5.1 | Ashok | JND-HR-H3 |
KHUSHAL* | H-2 | 370011366616 | 16.03.11 | Hariana | Ganga | 2236 | 5.3 | Sheru | JND-KHUSHAL |