Conventional Semen Gir Bulls

BAIF is working on Gir breed since livestock programme initiated at door step of farmer. Gir is well known milch purpose breed.The breed name came from Gir forest in Gujrath. It is also known as Bhodali, Desan, Gujarati, Kathiawari, Sorthi, and Surati. Amreli, Bhavnagar, Junagad, Rajkot districts of Gujrath, Saurashtra region of Gujrath, especially area in and around Gir forest is breeding tract of this breed, Looking to utility now it founds in many states of India. It is a hardy animal and can survive and perform in a difficult environment. Gir is a world-renowned breed known for its tolerance to stress conditions.Most of the Gir animals are pure red, and also some are speckled red. The forehead is broad and convex and prominent hip bones. 


The characteristic of Gir breed indicates horns are peculiarly curved. Starting at the base of the crown they take a sideways downward and backward curve and again incline a little upward and forward taking a spiral inward sweep, ending in a fine taper- thus indicating a half-moon appearance. The long and pendulous ears folded like a leaf. Ears hang all the time and their inside face forward, it has the capacity for yielding more milk with less feeding and is resistant to various tropical diseases. It has an average milk production is 2215 kg per lactation. Gir Cow has average body length 131.4 cm, height at wither 130.8 cm and chest girth 166.4 cm. The average age at first calving recorded as 1440 days, lactation length 315 days and inter-calving period 483 days

Name of BullTag No.UIDDOBBreedDam No. / NameStd. M.Y. (Kg)Fat%SireINAPH ID
VAIDIK9783737004457300118.03.12GirGauri2800 (1st)5VasuBAF-VAIDIK
VITTHAL9706337001136637601.08.12GirBavli44735Amul-601 NDDBBAF-VITTHAL
VAIRAG9730337001136624127.08.13Gir Meera32534.5VanarajNA
VIVIAN9725637001136695720.01.14GirNagjibhais Cow36604.8VarunNA
VINCENT9726737001136696830.03.15GirPravinbhai cow40674.9ViruNA
VINAYAKBISLD GIR -793037007649985414.02.17GirMira4773.256.6VishnuNA
VEDVYASBISLD GIR-779937007649984306.06.17GirGita4346.256.80Vasu CBF Ju.dhNA
VIRARGRV-Gir-250037007649990119.10.17GirKapila6020.75.5Shyam GLDBNA
VACHAK34014509673334014509673302.08.17Gir3400779730603359.354.57SAG- MOHANBAF-VACHAK
VAYUDUTGRV-GR-344537007649993422.10.20GirKrishna48196.15Shyam GLDBNA
VAIKALPW-Gir-02/GR-1137000003351007.01.19Gir37001003120334004.5GR-1032 NDDBNA
VAJRASEN W-Gir-0837000003316610.09.19Gir37000031893541864.6Shyam GLDBNA
VARSHAVX-GR-0410332348692407.08.20Gir3700100312143600 (1st)4.6VivekNA
VARTUL X-GR-0337000003400105.07.20Gir3401036164633697 (1st)4.7Shyam (GLDB)NA
VASNIK W-Gir-01/GR-1037000003301803.01.19Gir37001003122534004.6GopalNA
VIJENDRA X-GR-0137000003330411.02.20Gir34016286365039164.2Mohan (Kundal)NA
VANRAJ 482425.11.2004GirBajudvalo3400VishvamitraNA
VANSH 18002102121137007650040504.11.19GirLalki3846.14.500100032 (NDDB)JND-VANSH
VARDAN BISLD-GIR-470037007650032519.02.19GirJeeta37056.600VeluJND-VARDAN
VARDHAMAN 10014264433012.12.19Gir1001426443064005.94.600VairagBAF-VARDHAMAN
VARGIS 9708537004457044424.08.12GirKusum-95529004.500RanjeetBAF-VARGIS
VASU G-72826.04.2002GirChandermani3600Govind
VASUDEV 10014337743514.10.19Gir1001433778673776.54.500Vajeer
VATSAL BISLD/GIR/589837007650027819.12.18GirKani4036.13.900VirbhanuJND-VATSAL
VEDANT 097537001136630802.10.09GirMakdi4000GopalBAF-VEDANT
VELVET 10154984899630.11.20Gir3401450798823574.64.500RukmanBAF-VELVET
VENKOJI 10014264425003.12.19Gir1001435145873782.154.500MorloBAF-VENKOJI
VIMAN NP/18617.03.09GirChameli4018Resham
VINSON GRV-GR-467537007650033623.06.18GirKiran4763.64.800SAG-10032
VIVEK Jambo/9701737001136970715.03.11GirJamboo48006.700VilasBAF-VIVEK
VILAS G-68906.06.01Gir
VIDWAN 10554673746822.03.21Gir340168703338 (kabri)4428.6 (1st)4.590SAG(10057)