ZebraGangatiri is a dual-purpose breed also known as Eastern Hariana or Shahabadi, originated from the area nearby river Ganga and is now found Ghazipur, Ballia, Varanasi, Mau, Mirzapur, and adjoining districts of Uttar Pradesh and Bhabhua, Buxar, and Bhojpur districts of Bihar. This breed is a Medium milk producer and possesses good draft ability. This is medium-sized complete white (Dhawar) and Grey (Sokan) animal whose medium-sized horns emerge from the side of the poll behind and above eyes in outward and curving upwards and inwards ending with pointed tips. Forehead is Prominent, straight, and broad with a shallow groove in the middle. Eyelids, muzzle, hooves, and tail switch are generally black. This breed has an average of 1049 kg of milk production per lactation.

Name of Bull | Tag No. | UID | DOB | Breed | Dam No. / Name | Std. M.Y. (Kg) | Fat% | Sire | INAPH ID |
ZEBRA** | GT-02 | — | 30.04.05 | Gangatiri | Jamuna | 1450 | NA | Gangatiri | NA |