Deoni is a dual-purpose breed also known as Surti, Dongarpati, Dongri, Wannera, Waghyd, Balankya, and Shevera, originated in Deoni taluka in Latur district of Maharashtra and is now found in Bidar district of Karnataka and Parbhani, Nanded, Osmanabad, Latur districts of Maharashtra. The breeding tract of this breed lies in the Balaghat range of Sahyadri hills extending from Kannad taluk of Aurangabad to Deglur taluk of Marathwada region of Maharashtra state. The actual place of origin is Deoni, Udgir, and Ahmadpur taluks of Latur district and preferred for heavy work. Morphologically body color is usually spotted black and white. This breed has three strains viz. 1- Complete white (Balankya). 2.- Complete white with partial black face (Wannera). 3-Black and white spotted (Waghyd or Shevera). The horn emerges from the side of the poll behind and above the eyes in our ward and upward direction. The Horn size is small and the tips are blunt. Black and white spotted body-color, drooping ears, prominent and slightly bulging forehead are its prominent features. .

Cow has average body length 120.1 cm, height at wither 122.2 cm and chest girth 151.81 cm. The average age at first calving recorded as 1,200 days, lactation length 317 days and inter-calving period 480 days. It has an average of 868 kg of milk yield per lactation
Name of Bull | Tag No. | UID | DOB | Breed | Dam No. / Name | Std. M.Y. (Kg) | Fat% | Sire | INAPH ID |
NECTOR | Deo-01 | 370000033758 | 01.05.17 | Deoni | Malan | 1704.9 | 5.4 | Moti | NA |