Nili Ravi is a milch purpose breed also called Panch Kalyani. The name Nili is supposed to have been derived from the blue water of the river Sutlej. Ravi buffaloes are mostly bred in Pakistan around the river Ravi, after which they are named. After 1960, they were classified into one breed as Nili – Ravi. Now Nili Ravi buffaloes are found in Fazilka, Ferozepur, Zira, and Makhu tehsils of Ferozepur district; and Patti and Khemkaran tehsils of Amritsar district of Punjab. This breed is normally black and horns are tightly curved and circular in cross-section, small in size. Usually walled eyes and white markings on forehead, face, muzzle, legs, and tail is a distinguishable character also female has these white markings knowns as “Panch Kalyani”. This breed is similar to Murrah in almost all respects except for some white markings on extremities, and walled eyes. Nilli-Ravi Buffaloes has average body length 165 cm, height at wither 135 cm and chest girth 210 cm. The average age at first calving recorded as 1400 days, lactation length 300 days and inter-calving period 500 days. This breed has an average of 1800 kg of milk production per lactation.